Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Edit 7 weeks not 8

PI still have a hard time believing we have been here for 8 weeks.

Abigail is still doing well. She is up to 1200g or about 2lb 10.3oz. She is growing. For the several days she has steadily gained an ounce a day. 

She lasted about 18 hours extubated onFridat till early Saturday morning. Her oxygen requirements were just too high and she was working too hard. They were able to get in a bigger tube so she doesn't have an air leak any more. They started her on nebulizer treatments to help clear her lungs.

It looks like the staph infection is gone. Praise God!

Abigail is starting to look in the direction of someone talking to her. She also likes to try to turn her head on her own. Thus last strength is not always the best as she can't move her ET tube as well. Hopefully she doesn't end up extubating herself.

One of the doctors suggested to me to start giving her just the hindmilk so she gets a high fat content. For those of you who don't know, foremilk is the first milk that a baby drinks or is pumped in a feeding session. It has a lower fat content and is a little clearer (like skim milk). Now when I pump I stop about 5 minutes in and switch bottles to separate the hindmilk. Hopefully this fattier milk will help her gain even more weight!

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